CEQ Guidance and Executive Orders Related to Native Americans

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Meaningful coordination with Tribal entities, and analysis of a proposed action's potential affect on Tribal lands, resources, or areas of historic significance is an important part of Federal agency decision making. In addition to provisions in Sections 1501.2 and 1501.7 of the CEQ Regulations that call for the involvement of Tribes that may be affected by a Federal proposal, CEQ issued a Memorandum to the Heads of Federal agencies encouraging more active solicitation of Tribal entities for participation as cooperating agencies in NEPA documents.

In addition, Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments (November, 6 2000), outlines requirements for consultation with Tribal Governments. Finally, most Federal agencies have policy documents that provide agency-specific provisions for coordination with Tribal entities. All of these requirements are applied, when appropriate, during the NEPA process.

CEQ Guidance and Executive Orders Related to Tribal Coordination:

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