Laws & Regulations
Laws and Regulations
NEPA Amendments in Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023
Executive Orders
CEQ NEPA Rulemaking
State NEPA Information
Legislative History of NEPA
Agency NEPA Implementing Procedures
Active CEQ Guidance
Greenhouse Gases
Get Involved
Citizen's Guide to NEPA
Collaboration Handbook
Agency EIS Filings
Tribes and NEPA
Success Stories
U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution
National Environmental Conflict Resolution Advisory Committee Report
International EIA
NEPA Non-Government Organizations
NEPA Practice
Agency NEPA Contacts
Agency Jurisdiction and Expertise
Categorical Exclusions
Climate Change Resources
Ecosystem Services
EIS Length
EIS Timelines
Emergency Alternative Arrangements
Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution
Environmental Justice
Referrals to CEQ
CEQ Publications
Cumulative Effects
Incorporating Biodiversity
Modernizing NEPA Implementation
NEPA CEQA Handbook
NEPA Effectiveness Study
NEPA NHPA Section 106 Handbook
CEQ Reports
ARRA of 2009 & NEPA
Annual Environmental Quality Reports
Cooperating Agency Status Reports
NEPA Litigation Survey
CEQ NEPA Pilot Projects
First Recovery Act NEPA Report
First Recovery Act NEPA Report
CEQ Reports
ARRA of 2009 & NEPA
Annual Environmental Quality Reports
Cooperating Agency Status Reports
NEPA Litigation Survey
CEQ NEPA Pilot Projects
CEQ delivered the first Recovery Act NEPA report to Congress on May 18, 2009.
CEQ transmittal letter
Overview Spreadsheet
Attachments to the May, 2009 Report - Archived Files
CEQ acknowledges and appreciates the support and service provided by the Department of Energy Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security supporting the NEPAnet web site.